Future Devices
Devices to be released later
Devices to be released later
is a registered trademark in Brazil and its elements are for exclusive use, its composition includes the sub-brands Oyster, Shell, Galleon, Brig, Watch, Mirage, Sail, DEV, Book and Accessories, the Paradise Operating System and the Applications Calc (financial manager), Calculator, Calendar, Code (code editor), Docs and Planilhas (office), Double (browser), Files (file manager), Games (console), Serves (server manager), Mail (e-mail client), Banknotes and its services Bank (financial services), Books (universal library), Grains (digital currency), Learn (distance learning), Lib (search engine), Manufactures (supplier glossary), Marketing (advertising services), Professionals (professional glossary). Part of this proposal consists of the registration of trademarks and patents for devices, operating systems, applications, services and all applied technology.